Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Vincent has turned out to be an amazing big brother. We, of course, were not sure what to expect when Owen arrived. Vincent's reaction to his brother has been a very pleasant surprise. He is incredibly loving, gentle (as gentle as a 3 y/o can be!), caring, and fun! Owen thinks Vincent is the funniest thing ever. He laughs and laughs and whatever Vincent is doing. I think they are going to be life long friends, at least I hope so!!!

Owen part 2

Owen. I had a hard time believing I would ever be able to love someone else the way I love Vincent. I knew I would, because people have been doing it for a long time. The second this little boy was born, my heart expanded.

Owen's birth was much more calm than Vincent's. There was no emergency. I walked myself back to the OR. We listened to music while they prepped me and started surgery. Everyone was laughing and talking. I can still hear that first cry. It's so insane how there wasn't a baby in the room when you got there, but there is when you leave!

Owen has been a good baby. We've been able to nurse which is a major accomplishment for me. I tried so hard with Vincent. He was so small and it just never worked. Owen is a champion sleeper too. We got majorly lucky with this one!!

I love to see how different my boys are as people. Owen is very laid back and go with the flow. He only cries when he's hungry or tired. He's such a cheerful, happy, smiley baby. He brings so much joy to our family. We are so incredibly blessed to have this precious soul in our lives.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This post is going to be completely dedicated to the new little man in our lives

We decided around October of '09 that we were ready to try for another baby. In January of '10, I found out I was pregnant. The baby's due date was October 12, 2010. I was nervous that we would have a repeat of the early delivery that we had with Vincent. After a lot of agonzing over it, I decided that a repeat C-section would be the way to go. Baby's birth date was set for October 6, 2010 at 12:00 p.m.
14 weeks

18 weeks

22 weeks

31 weeks

35 weeks (a view from the top)

36 weeks

Owen David Lomellin was born on October 6, 2010 at 12:26 p.m. He weighed 7lbs 3 oz and was 21 inches long. We were madly in love again.

More pictures and stories about our Owie bear to come....

"It's been too long" doesn't even begin to describe it.

I'm a horrible blogger. This doesn't really matter to anyone but me, and maybe my kids. Yes, I said kids, plural, but we'll get to that. My only reason for this blog is to keep a diary of sorts about my children. It's easy to forget things they are doing or saying and it's nice to have a place to record those. No one else reads this blog, so it's only them and myself that I'm letting down.

Quite a bit has happened since I last posted. Vincent turned 2, we had another baby, you know, the usual. We have a new daycare also, which has turned out to be the perfect place for us!

We'll start with Vincent. Vincent is growing up to be such a smart, funny, loving, strong-willed little boy. We had a rough time with the 2's and I have been told the 3's are worse. So far, I don't think I agree with that. However, he's only been 3 for 2 months, so we'll see. His daycare does preschool and we are constantly amazed at what a little sponge he is. He can count to 10 and almost to 20 (17,18, & 19 usually get skipped). He knows all his colors, his alphabet and all his shapes. The kid knows crescent, rhombus, pentagon, octagon, spiral, it's crazy!!

His favorite things right now are dinosaurs, Toy Story any type of ball/sport.

Here are some more recent pictures of our little man:

This age is amazing. It's been such a trip watching him blossom into this little person, full of his own opinions and ideas. It can be frustrating sometimes, but he is the greatest gift.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Vincent!!

Our beautiful little boy is 18 months today! I can't believe he will be 2 in 6 months! He has come so far lately with what he understands and has lots of new words. He is also becoming more and more of a handful lately.

On Saturday morning, I heard our door creak open, but I thought it was the wind since the windows were open. A minute later I opened my eyes and Vincent was standing next to our bed staring at me with a big smile on his face. I sat straight up in bed! Dave and I were a little confused at first, but we put him back in the crib and sat back and watched. Sure enough, he can climb out of the crib now. We tried to set the toddler bed up, but he is definitely not ready yet. He couldn't grasp the fact that he needed to stay in bed and sleep. So, we put the crib back together and lowered the mattress even more so he can't get out...for now.

Anyways, Vincent has lots of words now! He says:


-na-na (for mama and grandma)




-"ella" (a baby at his daycare)

-thank you (sounds like ta-to)



he also signs "more" and "please".

He understands most of what we say to him. If we ask him questions, he will nod his head "yes" or "no". If we ask if he's hungry, he will go stand by his highchair. If we ask if he's ready for bed or bath, he will start to go upstairs. He will close doors if you ask him to and point to the fan! He has developed an interest in reading lately, which is great. The only downside is he loves to read the same books over and over and over again.

It's really amazing to watch him grow and learn. We are very blessed with such a sweet loving little boy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's been too long

It's been a while since I've updated. It's mostly because we take forever to get pictures on the computer. At any rate, not too much has been going on. Vincent is getting bigger and smarter everyday. Dave and I were just talking the other day that we can't believe how much more aware he is just in the past 2 weeks. He really seems to be grasping concepts left and right.

For example, he now will hold the phone up to his ear and talk. He like to "brush" his teeth and hair. If we ask him specific questions, he will nod "yes" or "no". Sometimes he even responds with "DA!", which seems to be his version of "YES!"

I loved the newborn stage, but this age is incredible. Watching him become his own person is worth every sleepless night and tantrum. It is truly an amazing experience and we are so grateful to God that we were given this opportunity. He is an amazing, lovable little boy. We fall more in love with him everyday.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Falling apart...

Our house, that is. Well, only a small part of it. Our ceiling in the living room started leaking the other day. Dave figured out where it was coming from and we were able to get it to stop. Now, part of the ceiling is torn away. Of course, they can't come see it until Monday. Of course, we are having guests this weekend. Oh the joys of being a homeowner.
Not all homeowner related developments have been bad though. Dave has a new toy. His battery powered trimmer/weed whacker. We also bought some soil and grass seed to take care of our missing trees. Our yard is getting there, slowly but surely.

Hey! Guess What?!? Vincent has an ear infection!! The tube in his left ear came out, and now he has an infection. No good. It sounds like it's my fault. I have been putting him under water at swim lessons. I thought I was helping him, guess not. He has to wear ear plugs for a while in the water...that should go over well.

Father's Day is this weekend. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you what an incredible father by husband is.

First and foremost, he is a very ambitious, dedicated and loyal provider for our family. He takes his responsibility as a father and husband very seriously. For that, I am grateful. Vincent will reap the benefits of this his whole life. Hopefully, he will look to his father as a shining example of a good man.

Second, he's a goof. He never hesitates to really play with our son. We all laugh a lot in our house, and nothing is sweeter.

He is an equal partner of mine in this parenting gig. We share all aspects of the baby rearing and it makes for a much happier family. Sure, he does a little more disciplining and I do a little more cuddling. However, our son is well loved and I suppose that's what really matters.

Dave, you are an amazing father and a wonderful husband. Vincent and I are so blessed to have you. Happy Father's Day!!!

I will leave you with some "Daddy and Me" pictures! Enjoy!

We love you too Pampaw and Papa!! Happy Father's Day!!